AACN Diversity Symposium Poster Showcase

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI From the Classroom to serving New Mexico Communities

Domain of Scholarship: Teaching
Focus Area: Inclusivity and equity in curriculum review and assessment

Background/Introduction/Purpose: The University of New Mexico’s College of Nursing (CoN) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) is an Advisory Committee to the CON faculty comprised of faculty, staff, and students committed to the discussion, examination, and implementation of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Equity (JEDI). Leadership must focus on building a supportive environment that integrates antiracist practices and core JEDI concepts into the culture of the CON as well as our pedagogy, research, practice, and policy missions. 1,2, 4 Using an "educate the educator" model to build faculties’ capacity and competence in teaching this content to the next generation of health professionals who are tasked with dismantling the structures and systems that cause health inequities to contribute to the development of a Community of Practice (COP) which is a systems-oriented approach to knowledge growth, development and management 1; similar to UNM’s Golden Paw program (https://cdl.unm.edu/qual-init/ocac-bpi.html).

Method/Outcomes: Partner with existing faculty support programs and UNM educational mentor faculty who are identified experts in JEDI teaching and educational strategies. We will incorporate validated measures from the Antiracism Behavioral Inventory (ARBI) tool to evaluate faculty levels of awareness and advocacy for integration of JEDI and antiracism curriculum concepts 2 We will then use the Guide for Developing Anti-Racism Educational Materials 3 to co-build a JEDI Paw program with teaching materials and best practice rubrics to help guide the rest of the faculty in this work, and then we will pilot the new JEDI Paw program with 4 faculty and their courses.

Dr. Lisa M. Taylor

Assistant Professor
University of New Mexico


Lisa M. Taylor, DNP, RN, FNP-BC joined the University of New Mexico (UNM) College of Nursing faculty in 2020 after practicing as a family nurse practitioner in clinical practice within underserved communities for eight years. She teaches in the Family Nurse Practitioner program primarily, and other advanced practice nurse programs. She is also a Student Success Coordinator for the clinical Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN) students at UNM, and is Teaching Assistant in an undergraduate course in Social Justice. She is very active in the New Mexico African American/Black community and is an often-requested speaker on topics such as culturally humble care, diabetes prevention, and health equity. She also has an online series entitled, "You First," which offers strategies on a wide-array of topics including healthy eating during the holidays while living with diabetes.

Dr. Taylor received her BSN, MSN, and DNP within two institutions in two different states and throughout all of these programs, she rarely had the experience of learning from a faculty of color. Her clinical scholarship foci includes awareness and improvement for diabetes prevention and management disparities within communities of color as well as recruitment and support for students and faculty of color. She has had a life-long interest in traditional/complementary medicine and envisions herself as a bridge between academia and the varied communities in which she lives and now works.

Phone: 206-769-6609
Email: limtaylor@salud.unm.edu

Felina M. Ortiz, DNP, CNM, RN, FACNM